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Product Description: 3-TRENBOMED 150 DEUS MEDICAL

3-TRENBOMED 150 by Deus Medical is a powerful and effective anabolic steroid designed to enhance muscle growth, strength, and performance. This product is highly sought after by bodybuilders and athletes looking to take their physique to the next level. With its unique formulation and potent ingredients, 3-TRENBOMED 150 offers exceptional results for both beginners and experienced users.

Peculiarities of Taking the Product

Taking 3-TRENBOMED 150 requires careful consideration and adherence to recommended guidelines. It is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional or experienced trainer before starting any steroid cycle. The dosage and duration of use should be determined based on individual goals, experience level, and overall health condition.

Specific Dates

The duration of a typical 3-TRENBOMED 150 cycle can vary depending on the user’s experience level. For beginners, a cycle of 8-10 weeks is recommended, while experienced bodybuilders may extend it up to 12 weeks. It is important to follow a post-cycle therapy (PCT) protocol after completing the cycle to restore natural hormone production and minimize potential side effects.


  • Significant muscle mass gains
  • Enhanced strength and power
  • Improved athletic performance
  • Increased protein synthesis
  • Enhanced nitrogen retention
  • Accelerated recovery and reduced fatigue

Possible Side Effects

While 3-TRENBOMED 150 offers remarkable benefits, it is essential to be aware of potential side effects. These may include:

  • Androgenic effects such as acne, oily skin, and hair loss
  • Suppression of natural testosterone production
  • Potential cardiovascular strain
  • Increased aggression or mood swings
  • Liver toxicity (if abused or used irresponsibly)

Value for Buyers

When you choose to buy 3-TRENBOMED 150 from our online sports pharmacy, “Best Steroids London,” you can expect exceptional value and quality. We prioritize customer satisfaction and offer genuine products from reputable manufacturers. Our online platform ensures convenience, privacy, and discreet packaging for your peace of mind. With our competitive prices and reliable shipping services, we strive to provide a seamless buying experience for all our customers.

Experience the remarkable benefits of 3-TRENBOMED 150 and take your bodybuilding journey to new heights. Order now from “Best Steroids London” and unlock your true potential!

Active ingredient

Trenbolone mix

Active ingredient, mg


form of production


1 ampoule, ml


Ampoules per pack, pcs.





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